By the end of the class, students will be able to
express their points of view in simple argumentative written and oral texts
related to the history of fashion and the impact it has today in the
Colombian context.
1. Reading about Coco Chanel https://www.biography.com/fashion-designer/coco-chanel
2. Video of Coco Chanel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1nz8k9LkWE
Fast checking list
4. Vocabulary related to clothes and accesories
4. Vocabulary related to clothes and accesories
Data taken from the text
You can say the information is true
You can say the information is false
You can say the information is not
entirely true
Coco Chanel is an Italian clothes
Her designs were characterized because
their comfortableness
She opened her first shop on the most
elegant Street of Italy
She also was the designer of costumes
for the Russes Ballets
Chanel was a collaborator of the Nazi
BATTERY 1 (each battery 8 students/4
Station 1. Video/Reading (depending on
the access to internet) about one main figure of Colombian fashion (see annex
The following are the figures chosen
to each battery (group)
Battery 1: Juan Raúl Vélez
Battery 2: Arturo Calle
Station 2. Time line activity (using a
specific app or the tools of power point, see annex 5)
Battery 3: Mario Hernández
Station 3. Definition of the main topics
to be included in the presentation of the character and construction of the
final version of the presentation
Battery 4: Fabiola Posada (La Gorda Fabiola)
Posada https://www.finanzaspersonales.co/ahorro-e-inversion/multimedia/by-la-gorda-fabiola-el-negocio-de-la-gorda-fabiola/72567
Station 4. It will be a preparation of
the oral presentation of the character
Battery 5: Silvia Tcherassi
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